
Hi, my name is Kelley Safe I am a Junior at High Point University and my major is Strategic Communications. I live in Charleston South Carolina. I lived in charleston till I was five and then moved to Massachusetts to be closer to family on my dad's side. I lived in Massachusetts for twelve years. Although those twelve years were great, I was ready to go back to South Carolina. Im not a huge fan of cold weather.  I made so many great friends while living in the north and they are friendships that will last forever. Growing up I always struggled in school. I was in a public school from kindergarten to fourth grade. My mom and teachers never really knew why I couldn't read and wasn't at the reading level that I was supposed to be at. We decided to take a test and it turns out that I have Dyslexia. After finding out that I had a learning disability my mom had me look at a private school that would help me with that. I ended up going to The Carroll School right near my house and it changed my perspective in school. Although it was hard for me to leave my friends and not be going to the same school as them, it was the best option for me in order to be successful. Starting this new school I was super nervous but I ended up making really good friendships that would also last a lifetime. After a few years of being there, I was finally able at my reading level. I could finally read a book that was my level without struggling really bad. Being in public school made me really insecure to read in front of the class because I didn’t know how to, but once I got to a private school I had no problem reading in front of the class. After being at the school from fifth grade to eighth grade it was time for me to look at private school for high school. The only option that there really was that would help me with my education was a boarding school in Connecticut. We looked at the school and I loved it but I was super nervous about going to a school two hours away from home and living there. It was my first time being away from family so I didn’t know how I would feel. After being there for a little I made friendships that really will last a lifetime. My friends there became my everything. My roommate that I am currently now with at High Point University was one of my first friends at boarding school. Since then we have been friends. We had a few bumps in the road, but in the end, we found our way back to each other. Now we are best friends and roommates in college together. Being in boarding school was life-changing and I would never change it for the world. It was by far one of the best experiences of my entire life and I wouldn’t change anything about it. I get so many questions asking if boarding school is like college and the answer is no, not at all. Once it was my senior year of high school my family moved back to South Carolina. Although I lived in Massachusetts for a while, South Carolina will always be my home.


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