blog post 3

For this blog post, I will be talking about the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest federal court in the country. It is also the head of the judicial branch of the government. The supreme court was established by the United States constitution. The supreme court is in charge of all of the laws within the United States. Some laws are different than other states depending on what state it is. If it is necessary the court which is made of nine justices od have the power to check the actions of the other two branches in the government. Those other two branches are the executive branch and the legislative branch of congress. The Supreme Court was establish in 1789 by artivcle three of the United States Constitution. President George Washingtin decided that he court would be made up of six justices who would serve in the court until they retired or passed away. “The Supreme Court was set to first assemble on February 1, 1790 at the Merchants Exchange Building in New york City. But due to some justices’ transportation issues, the meeting had to be postponed until the next day.” ( Editors). There have been many cases held by the Supreme Court.


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