blog post 4

 The six clauses are select, from, where, group by, having, and order by. There are been many things going on in the world and one of the biggest things going on in the United States is the Black Lives Matter protests. They have been happening all over the United States and most of them have ended up in riots. People from all over the United States have come together to protest about black lives ending from police officers. It all started when George Floyd lost his life because a police officer was kneeling on his neck and he couldn't breathe. A news item that I decided to use the six clauses on was the Montgomery County protest that happened recently encouraging people to vote and standing up for black lives matter. A woman named Stephanie Vincent said she organized the event for her family. "My husband is afraid that things are never going to change," said Vincent. "So I'm fighting for him because he's really tired of fighting." (6abc, Beccah Hendrickson).  There were twenty-five organizations that were apart of the event. In this event, it talks about the six clauses.


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