blog post week 6

 One of the Eight Values of Free Expression that caught my eye was Stable Change. Stable Change was used for people to speak their minds. It was used for angry citizens that allowed them to speak their minds about what they were upset about or vent. Back in the day citizens were not always allowed to speak their minds and if they did it would not go well. Now today we are allowed to always speak our minds. People being able to speak their minds has to lead to less violence in the world. “It has also been pointed out that allowing the alienated and discontented to speak freely enables government to better monitor potentially dangerous groups who would otherwise act more clandestinely.” What I get from the sentence is that people are now allowed to speak their minds and vent without it turning into violence. Before you weren’t always allowed to speak your mind but now you can. Although at times when you speak your mind it can turn into violence, it doesn’t always happen as often as it used to happen. Speaking freely has also helped the government by watching dangerous groups. Stable Change is also known as Safety Valve. The second one that I wanted to talk about out of the eight values is Promote Tolerance. Promote Tolerance has been argued that freedom of speech teaches everyone to become more accepting of other people’s lives. The first amendment is to protecting hate speech. They protect hate speech because society learns lessons from hateful and worthy condemnation. That is how we spread norms about acceptable behavior. If we did not have that then it would not be the way our world is now. Having Stable Change and Promote Tolerance is very important because that has allowed people to speak up when they are upset and to know how to tolerate the right behavior. Those are two of the free expression out of the eight that caught my eye the most and that i was the most interested in.


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