
Showing posts from November, 2020

Final Blog

  Technology can be a good thing and a bad thing. I think that my relationship with technology is health. Although I use technology a lot I can also go without it for some time. Sometimes I just like to put my phone down and not look at it. I think there are times when I spend too much time on technology. Since the pandemic, I am definitely on the internet more than I was before. I think at times technology is taking up my life. Growing up I never really used it, and with covid happening, many things are online which makes people be on the internet a lot more and use their technology for entertainment. I think at some points technology can inform me and make me smarter to a certain extent. There is so much on technology that you can learn from. I do think that technology can be misleading because there is so much information out on the internet and you don't always know what is true and what isn't true. I don't worry about things that can be misleading just because some of

Blog Post Week 14

  A topic that I thought was interesting that a group did was someone did long-distance calling. Long-distance calling is when you call someone from a different location outside of your location. An example of that would be if you called someone from a different town or state. The first-ever long-distance call wire was made in February of 1877.  The person that made that call was Alexander Graham Bell who called from Salem in Massachusetts to Boston Massachusetts. The first call out of a state was in 1915, which was from New York to San Fransisco. There are two categories for long-distance which are international and national. A national call is a call that connects two calls in the same country. An international call is a call that is two calls that are made between two different countries. Depending on the country some calls can be more expensive than others. I think learning about this was really interesting and it was entertaining to learn the facts of something that we do every da

blog post week 11

  The ted talks talked about privacy on social media. Many people put information out on social media and have later on in life regretted putting certain things on social media. You always have to be careful about what you post on social media because you never know what could happen in the future. It could affect your personal life and especially your career. Many people have done that and it’s something that you always have to consider when you post stuff on social media. You have to think to yourself if I post this am I going to be upset later on in life about it or will it affect my life in the future. You have to be super careful now these days because everyone is on social media and it is one of the biggest things that people use to communicate with others. Social media is a great thing but it is also a bad thing.

blog post week 15

  I have around over a thousand followers on one of my social media platforms. I don’t really pay attention to the followers that I have on the other social media platforms that I am on. There are a few social media accounts that I have. The social media accounts that I have are Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, Snapchat, and TikTok. I use to not be on social media a lot besides Instagram, but now that covid has happened I have been on social media a lot more. Not just for myself but also because of classes going online and communication being on social media or text compared to in person. I use to never use TikTok, but since covid has started I am on it very often because it is a platform of videos and many of them are funny and it’s just an entertaining platform. I do not have a website. Private information that I have online is my phone number and email. I like to keep some of my private information to myself just because you never know the people that could try and take your person

blog post weeke 12

  The term/concept that I decided to do was news dessert. News Desert is an undercovered geographical area that has few/no news outlets and receives little coverage. The news desert dates back to 2011 when it first started. The news desert is also known as the communication desert. A journalist named Lara S. Washington has an article name The Paradox of our Media Age and What to Do About It. Lara S. Washington talked about the community dessert as “a place where vital information does not reach one’s neighborhood”. The community organized talks about how everyone keeps talking about the bad stuff and never talks about the good that is going on in the communities. Since 2011 multiple definitions have emerged. An example of that is a media desert or a news desert is essentially an uncovered area that has few to no outlets to receive news that is going on. There was a media desert project that was a research project with the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs at Ohio Univer