
Showing posts from October, 2020

blog post week 6

  One of the Eight Values of Free Expression that caught my eye was Stable Change. Stable Change was used for people to speak their minds. It was used for angry citizens that allowed them to speak their minds about what they were upset about or vent. Back in the day citizens were not always allowed to speak their minds and if they did it would not go well. Now today we are allowed to always speak our minds. People being able to speak their minds has to lead to less violence in the world. “ It has also been pointed out that allowing the alienated and discontented to speak freely enables government to better monitor potentially dangerous groups who would otherwise act more clandestinely.” What I get from the sentence is that people are now allowed to speak their minds and vent without it turning into violence. Before you weren’t always allowed to speak your mind but now you can. Although at times when you speak your mind it can turn into violence, it doesn’t always happen as often as it

blog post week 9

  The presentation that I will be talking about is one group talked about the web and other subjects. The web first started by a man named Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. Tim Berners-Lee was a British computer scientist who was born in London. His boss didn't believe that it would work but Tim proved his boss wrong. When the web first came out not many people were able to go on the web because of the browser and computers that were used so they changed that. The web first came to the United States in 1991. The web was made how it is today in the United States. A man named Mike Sendall decided that it was time to collab with Steve Jobs and make the web for the company Apple. They first came out with computers which is what started their upbringing but the internet really took off and was used a lot when Seve Jobs came out with these computers. Although there were other computers such as Dell, many people switch to Apple computers. Once the internet started to really take off a man named L

blog post week 8

  A technology that someone else did that I thought was interesting the fax machine. A Scottish inventor named Alexander Bain worked on chemical mechanical fax devices in 1846 and was able to produce graphic signs. For his effort of this, he has been rewarded a British paten for is Electric Printing Telegrapher. Another inventor named Fredrick Bakewell helped make improvements to Alexander Bain’s design and demonstrated a telefax machine. The first fax machine that became popular was by Xerox in 1964. Xerox introduced the first commercialized version of the modern fax machine called the Long Distance Xerography. Two years later Xerox released the Magnafax Xerography. In the ’70s faxing became more popular in the world and people continued to make the fax machines smaller. The fax machine is still in use today and there is a reason why. The face machine is now used for the FBI because it requires fax requests for FOIA requests. Faxing has always been around in some form even before tele

blog post 5

  I do notice how the writers on the sites are all very strong antiwar voices that I never seem to hear in the mainstream news. I think the reason they could be doing that is that they want to be biased about what they are writing about so that it doesn’t cause issues. I actually haven’t heard of these websites and I think it’s because they are not well known. I also think the reason that they aren’t herded about is that they aren’t something people look at every day. I think you have to seek out obscure websites in order to hear strong antiwar voices because they aren’t well known for people to have websites like that. There aren’t many and it could be a sore topic for some people so the websites don’t get as much attention.

blog post 4

  The six clauses are select, from, where, group by, having, and order by. There are been many things going on in the world and one of the biggest things going on in the United States is the Black Lives Matter protests. They have been happening all over the United States and most of them have ended up in riots. People from all over the United States have come together to protest about black lives ending from police officers. It all started when George Floyd lost his life because a police officer was kneeling on his neck and he couldn't breathe. A news item that I decided to use the six clauses on was the Montgomery County protest that happened recently encouraging people to vote and standing up for black lives matter. A woman named Stephanie Vincent said she organized the event for her family. "My husband is afraid that things are never going to change," said Vincent. "So I'm fighting for him because he's really tired of fighting." (6abc, Beccah Hendrick

blog post 3

For this blog post, I will be talking about the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest federal court in the country. It is also the head of the judicial branch of the government. The supreme court was established by the United States constitution. The supreme court is in charge of all of the laws within the United States. Some laws are different than other states depending on what state it is. If it is necessary the court which is made of nine justices od have the power to check the actions of the other two branches in the government. Those other two branches are the executive branch and the legislative branch of congress. The Supreme Court was establish in 1789 by artivcle three of the United States Constitution. President George Washingtin decided that he court would be made up of six justices who would serve in the court until they retired or passed away. “ The Supreme Court was set to first assemble on February 1, 1790 at the Merchants Exchange Buildin
  Stubborn Interior Design Hello, we are glad to welcome you to Stubborn Interior Design, also now as SID. My name is Kelley Safe and I am the manager for Stubborn Interior Design. We are an Interior Design company located in Greensboro North Carolina and High Point North Carolina. High Point North Carolina is the furniture town so we are in the best location. High Point is known for having big furniture stores and we're happy to say we are one of them. We have everything you could be looking for. We have couches, bedding, dressers, and more! Come stop by and see what we have. We have every style you could possibly think of from modern to classic. We have not just furniture for adults but also for kids. Our employees are always helpful and can find you the perfect item to fit your house. We tend to get super busy around Christmas time which is great but we are really hoping to get to the point where we are busy every day. High Point and Greensboro arent the busiest places so we are

homing pigeon

Homing Pigeon was something that people relied on in the past. No one had cell phones to call people. They only had landlines to get into contact with people. If the landlines weren’t working thy had pigeons fly and send messages to the people that they needed to get into contact with. How they would get the information to the other person is they would attach something on the bird and would exchange words with the person. You would send the bird back and forth with the person that you were trying to communicate with until your landlines started working again. The homing pigeon first started centuries ago during the Olympics. It first became popular in 776 B.C and kept happening for years. It now is not a thing people do anymore because we have so much technology such as computers and cell phones. Flying messenger pigeons was already established as early as 3000 years ago. Thye used the pigeon to claim who the winner was of the ancient Olympics. Messenger pigeons were used as early as